This is the third (zero is the first) card from the Major Arcana suit but it is considered Card Number 2. The Major Arcana suit is composed of the first 22 cards of the Tarot. The other suits are called Minor Arcana. It is said that these are the cards that look into and have great power in predicting the future.
*Before I refer to the book or other online sources on the meanings of these cards, I'd like to put my own interpretation based on my instincts toward reading this card. This may be accurate, close, or far from the actual meaning.
When I see "High Priestess," I believe this to be a very spiritual card. Perhaps, the client has a spiritual guide or a guardian angel helping them through their struggles. Being a "priestess," this card may also suggest seeking guidance or spiritual advice from a maternal figure such as a mother, grandmother, aunt, or motherly figures that the client is not necessarily related to but sees as a "second mother."
The number 2 also points out to decision-making or a crossroads. Perhaps, the client is struggling with an important decision or could be struggling with their faith. Their answer seems to be the maternal, spiritual figure I mentioned above. This may also refer to a female spiritual guide.
Because I do believe in reverse card readings, I am leaning towards this card being more positive upright. If upright, a wise, female will offer guidance spiritually and, reversed, the client could be struggling with decisions or their faith. It may not necessarily be religion the client is struggling with but, perhaps, they lack motivation or inspiration to accomplish their goals.
*I will be paraphrasing from the book, "Simply Tarot" by Leanna Greenaway.
As my instincts suggested, this card does symbolize a female guide. Other decks call this card, "Juno" or "the Female Pope." This is a very good spiritual card. The book the woman is carrying in the card represents "the secrets of life" which the woman seems to have significant knowledge of.
Upright Meaning:
This card refers to a spirit guide in the form of a mother, grandmother, or other motherly figure in spirit (so this suggests that this is a maternal figure that has passed on). If the client does not have a maternal figure s/he knows that passed away, it refers to a high spirit guide that is female. Perhaps, an ancestor. This card is usually drawn whenever the client feels there is much uncertainty in his/her life. The card itself is very lucky because it points that they are being watched over and taken care of by a maternal spirit. It assures the client that good things will arrive in time. Also, the client is advised not to listen too much to others because they are most likely to be wrong. The client should take some time to meditate or pray because only then will the answer be clear.
Reversed Meaning:
If this card is near any health cards, it suggests that a family member may become ill. It advises that client should not trust others blindly. The client will lack stamina and need support or guidance and this lack of energy may indirectly affect relationships.
I'm actually quite proud that I got some of the actual card meaning accurately by my instincts alone. I feel like gender has a big role with this card and that it is pointing to not only a woman but a motherly one. My mother actually passed away three years ago so I'm thrilled to have pulled this card first. She was the one who encouraged me to read and study Tarot and, for this to be the first card I blog about, feels like a nod of approval from her spirit. I miss her and I'd like to fully credit her for this journey I'm embarking on.
Since I am the one shuffling and handling the daily Tarot cards (I will be disregarding repeats), it won't surprise me if a majority of these cards will relate to my life and what situations I'm currently facing. I truly believe this card was a sign from my mother that, although I have been struggling with stress from school, grief from her death, and pressures from the family, she is watching over me and that with prayer and a stronger faith and relationship with God, I can overcome it all. I believe good things will happen after all the uncertainties I have faced.
My food for thought for my blog readers: grab your mother, grandmother, or that maternal figure in your life, hug them, and let them exactly how much you love them. If they have passed on like my mother has, pray for their soul and remember that they might just be guiding you throughout your adversities. Always have time to meditate and/or pray to clear yourself of negative energy so that you may have the strength and clarity to face the hardships of life. Good times will come, you have to believe that.
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