I have had two decks of Tarot cards over the span of 10 years but I have yet to memorize the meaning of the cards. I started this blog to familiarize myself with the cards by posting Daily Tarot Cards and Weekly Readings. The book I will mostly refer to is "Simply Tarot" by Leanna Greenaway and the deck I will use and scan is called "New Century Tarot" by Rolf Eichelmann. This is my journey toward honing my Tarot reading skills. I encourage anyone who is willing to join me!
- Miss Fortune
FIRST GLANCE: The Swords suit usually depict hardships, struggles, deceit (backstabbing), and I have always viewed as a very dark suit. The card shows a person emerged in water from the neck down with a phoenix on top of his/her head. The person's hands are up, palms facing the reader. Above, five swords are laying horizontal and two are vertical, facing downward.
The person in the card seems to be drowning. The waves in the water look very rough, but the expression of the person actually looks very serene. His/her hands are up which look like they are raised in prayer or surrender or even both. I'm guessing the phoenix represents rebirth after a spiritual or emotional "death."
I'm thinking this card is somewhat a spiritual one. I believe the person is drowning but is surrendering to his/her fate. I think this card points out that the client has been and is going through struggles to the point where s/he feels like s/he is drowning in his/her problems and sorrow. The water in the card may even represent tears. Judging mostly from the phoenix, this card is about rising above stress, anxieties, and problems. It's about letting the old negativity die away and to be reborn stronger and more optimistic.
Seven is also known to be God's number. Perhaps the raised hands represent prayer and trusting God and laying down all of your burdens on Him. Sometimes, we feel completely devoid of all hope but that doesn't mean we should just give up on life. Sometimes, we just have to accept the bad things that happen to us. It doesn't mean that we won't feel beat up and let down, but we need to meditate and pray on these things and trust that everything will eventually be okay. Because of the tragedies we have and will continue to face, we will only become stronger and wiser people.
BOOK MEANING The image shows that things aren't always what they seem to be.
Upright Meaning This is not a nice card. This card can refer to theft (burglary, swindle, etc) or other kind of loss. If this card is next to Pages, it may refer to a child that steals. The "theft" could happen to the client or the client could just hear about it from someone s/he knows. This card also points to jealousy. Someone around the client is obviously vindictive or envious and s/he is clever enough to hide his/her true feelings. This card warns against false friends or manipulative colleagues.
Reversed Meaning The client will find things that were once lost. The client will make up with a loved one.
ANALYSIS & REFLECTION Again, my instincts were wrong. Upon another Google search of alternate images of the Seven of Swords, the common image was a man walking holding seven swords. In some versions, he is in complete profile and, in another version, he was looking behind his back as he walks forward. Other interpretations of this card suggest indecision.
I'm not exactly sure why this image means theft or jealousy. I still believe that the phoenix symbolizes the need for the client to be resilient. It seems like this card warns against people who keep their friends close, but their enemies closer. In this case, the client is someone's enemy - someone who the client thinks is his/her friend. Someone may be trying to bring the client down because of his/her jealousy. If this also ties in with theft, perhaps, the jealous friend may try to steal an idea of the client's or the affection or attention of people in the client's life. This card seems to be a warning card.
It's not surprising to read about backstabbing when a Sword card is pulled. The client must simply be a better person than those who deceive him/her. Quite a few Tarot cards always remind the client that karmic debts will be paid so the client should always do the right thing or will one day suffer the consequences. My advice today is to know who your real friends are. Beware of those that may have bad intentions for you. Be kind but don't always be too trusting. The kind of jealous people this card warns against are very tricky. They won't show their true colors or motives until they already have you where they want you. Be very careful and do the right thing. One day, their karmic debt will also be paid.
FIRST GLANCE Since this is the first Daily Tarot that isn't in the Major Arcana suit, I think I'm going to have more difficulty in trying to figure this one out. From what I remember, the suit of wands represent survival and triumph over obstacles.
The card shows four people that look a bit androgynous but it seems like they are either all female or two females and two males. Two of them have black hair while the other two are redheads. They are naked except for a flowing cloth over their waist that flows in the wind as they seem to be running away. Behind them is a purple bush and five "wands" hover above them. The three center wands have a shell-like top while the two outer wands look more like columns. Vines tangle around the three center wands and shorter vines exist on the outer two.
I have a feeling if I understood numerology more, it would help me interpret the cards easier. So far from what I can remember about my experiences with the number 5 in Tarot, they tend not to be very pleasant cards. I'm also perplexed as to why this is the Five of Wands but there are only four people, who should the fifth character be?
Judging from how the people seem to be fleeing, this card may be about wanting to run away from problems. It could also be a literal travel card. Perhaps, the client will go on a much needed vacation. If I am correct with the more symbolic meaning of "running away," perhaps, the three center wands could be pointing to spirituality and the missing fifth person might be a Higher Being/God. The client may feel like running away or escaping their problems, but s/he might just need to put it in prayer. Alternatively, the people running away do not seem distressed in anyway so it may be a card about moving forward. The people seem to move with the wind, not against it. This may be about accepting change and move on to the next phase of life. The whole female, male, black hair, red hair thing may be about balance. I notice that the way the characters could be possibly placed are (from left to right): black hair female, red hair female, black hair male, red hair male. It seems to be a certain type of organization and a balance of male and female as well as hair color. The client may need to stop dwelling in the past and continue life's journey in order to bring the balance to his/her life.
BOOK MEANING The four people are actually competing under five upright wands and each one has his/her own opinion. Upright Meaning There are or will be problems and battles at work or, if the client is a student, at school. The co-workers or classmates around the client are outraged about work matters and, during this time, there is no peace, quiet, or harmony. Life will be unpleasant during this time and it will be very trying on the client. Regardless, the client should be strong and not give into bullying or backstabbing no matter how tempting. Reversed Meaning The client feels like s/he is at his/her lowest, but things will improve. S/he must decide whether these things are worth fighting for or s/he must walk away from them. S/he should try to sort out the present situation or move onto a new one. ANALYSIS & REFLECTION As expected, I got very little correct regarding this card's meaning. I just googled up other images of the Five of Wands and the pictures I saw looked more about conflict and competition than the card I own. It honestly doesn't look like they are competing at all. Anyways, that does seem to be the case in terms of the meaning of this card. Another variation of this card shows five people fighting each other with large wooden "wands" or sticks. I guess the card shown above is supposed to show a race between the people. Just about the only thing I got right about this card was that it does suggest an unpleasant time. It is a time when the client will have to fight for creative control in their workplace or school. The people around the client will be very competitive and, perhaps, even close-minded. Alternatively, it might be the client who is the close-minded one. Sides could be taken and reaching a mutual decision seems to be a very long and painful task for the time being. The client must not resort to backstabbing or bullying or blackmail in order to get his/her way. The key to all of this is compromise which does not seem to come easily, but it is what everyone desperately needs in this type of situation especially if it involves a deadline. I think we've all been through not being heard or listened to or being pushed around by a bossy co-worker or group member. Sometimes, we are the ones who are bossy (whether we realize it or not). Everyone should have a chance to speak and present their ideas. So my advice today is to listen and give your co-worker, colleague, etc. a chance to speak their opinion and present his/her ideas no matter how farfetched they may be. Work together; not against one another because when you let all of your best aspects simultaneously shine, the whole group has the potential to make or accomplish something great.
Card Number 8 of the Major Arcana suit. FIRST GLANCE This one goes out to other Tarot card readers out there: Have you ever had a particular card that seems to follow you or your client in every reading? Well, the Strength card is one of the cards that always seems to pop up in my self-readings. The other one is Justice but we'll get to that another day. Another thing I find interesting is that this card is the card for the zodiac sign, Leo. I am a Leo and I was born in August, the 8th month, and both the day and year of my birth contain the number 8. I know very little about numerology but I do know that 8's in Tarot are considered "good cards."
The woman in the card is using her bare hands to keep a lion's mouth open. She actually has her fingers on top of the lion's teeth but her expression looks solemn without a trace of fear or worry. She is also wearing an orange and red flowing garment which gives the appearance of fire. There also seems to be an infinity sign above her head.
Because I already know that this is the Leo card, it's obvious that a lion is going to be in it. The garment probably looks fiery because Leo is a fire sign. I believe this card is about finding the strength within you to conquer your fears. The feminist in me is proud to see that the Strength card features a woman and, no, she is not waiting for a man to save her from the lion but she fights it herself with her bare hands. She looks fearless but I think she probably is fighting her fear from within. I believe true strength and courage comes from not from the absence of fear but from conquering it.
Upright, I think this card shows that the client will be using their strength to face current or upcoming hardships. Reversed, the client may need strength and must find it so that s/he may be prepared for the struggles ahead. The infinity sign may represent how fear can seem to be endless but, when we search deep and realize the strength we have within, we can conquer with our bare hands.
BOOK MEANING This card was once a card known as "merciless." The card represents human relationship ("domination") over the animal kingdom. The flowing robe represents purity and strength.
Upright Meaning The client must use his/her strength be it physical if s/he suffers an illness or emotional strength if s/he is having emotional problems. The client must bring out his/her inner qualities of love, patience, and gentleness. Hardships and struggles are to be expectedbut the client should never give up. S/he must use their strength positively to overcome any obstacles. The problems the client may be having may not be as hard as s/he thinks they are. Find time to calm any worries, find a solution, and do not simply "walk away." Alternatively, if this card is next to any family cards, the client may be thinking of adopting a pet.
Reversed Meaning The client or someone in the client's life is being cruel to animals or people. The client may be giving into his/her "basic harsh instincts." There may be abuse in a relationship or infidelity in a marriage.
ANALYSIS & REFLECTION: I didn't see the pet prediction coming, but since this card does symbolize human relationships with the animal kingdom, it does make sense. Reading the reversed meaning, I can see where the old "merciless" meaning came from. Although humans are blessed with a conscience, we do still have that basic instinct to "kill or be killed." Perhaps, not literally, but when someone hurts our pride, we have this instinct to strike back and destroy their pride just as much if not more than what they have done to our's. Doesn't the lion also symbolize pride? Also, in terms of the abuse and infidelity, this also points back to the our "basic animal instincts." This card may suggest a battle between the client's conscience and his/her worldly or animalistic desires such as lust. I believe everyone has the ability to conquer the problems in their life. It really just takes a lot of meditation and/or prayer. We need to use our conscience to guide us and help us make the right decision. That's what separates us from the animal kingdom, our humanity and conscience and we must use that positively and fight against our basic animal instincts.
My advice for my readers today is to always think twice before attacking. Soothe your temper before you react and have the patience to see the problem from all perspectives. There is a solution but you may have to dig deep to find it. Meditate, reflect, or pray. You have been blessed with the knowledge and conscience to sort out any mess. You just need to be able to channel it positively in order to succeed. Do not easily give into blind anger or negativity. Be the hero of your life story and follow the light at the end of the tunnel no matter how small it may look. It might just be a lot closer than you thought.
This is the third (zero is the first) card from the Major Arcana suit but it is considered Card Number 2. The Major Arcana suit is composed of the first 22 cards of the Tarot. The other suits are called Minor Arcana. It is said that these are the cards that look into and have great power in predicting the future.
FIRST GLANCE: *Before I refer to the book or other online sources on the meanings of these cards, I'd like to put my own interpretation based on my instincts toward reading this card. This may be accurate, close, or far from the actual meaning.
When I see "High Priestess," I believe this to be a very spiritual card. Perhaps, the client has a spiritual guide or a guardian angel helping them through their struggles. Being a "priestess," this card may also suggest seeking guidance or spiritual advice from a maternal figure such as a mother, grandmother, aunt, or motherly figures that the client is not necessarily related to but sees as a "second mother."
The number 2 also points out to decision-making or a crossroads. Perhaps, the client is struggling with an important decision or could be struggling with their faith. Their answer seems to be the maternal, spiritual figure I mentioned above. This may also refer to a female spiritual guide.
Because I do believe in reverse card readings, I am leaning towards this card being more positive upright. If upright, a wise, female will offer guidance spiritually and, reversed, the client could be struggling with decisions or their faith. It may not necessarily be religion the client is struggling with but, perhaps, they lack motivation or inspiration to accomplish their goals.
BOOK MEANING: *I will be paraphrasing from the book, "Simply Tarot" by Leanna Greenaway. As my instincts suggested, this card does symbolize a female guide. Other decks call this card, "Juno" or "the Female Pope." This is a very good spiritual card. The book the woman is carrying in the card represents "the secrets of life" which the woman seems to have significant knowledge of. Upright Meaning: This card refers to a spirit guide in the form of a mother, grandmother, or other motherly figure in spirit (so this suggests that this is a maternal figure that has passed on). If the client does not have a maternal figure s/he knows that passed away, it refers to a high spirit guide that is female. Perhaps, an ancestor. This card is usually drawn whenever the client feels there is much uncertainty in his/her life. The card itself is very lucky because it points that they are being watched over and taken care of by a maternal spirit. It assures the client that good things will arrive in time. Also, the client is advised not to listen too much to others because they are most likely to be wrong. The client should take some time to meditate or pray because only then will the answer be clear. Reversed Meaning: If this card is near any health cards, it suggests that a family member may become ill. It advises that client should not trust others blindly. The client will lack stamina and need support or guidance and this lack of energy may indirectly affect relationships.
ANALYSIS & REFLECTIONS I'm actually quite proud that I got some of the actual card meaning accurately by my instincts alone. I feel like gender has a big role with this card and that it is pointing to not only a woman but a motherly one. My mother actually passed away three years ago so I'm thrilled to have pulled this card first. She was the one who encouraged me to read and study Tarot and, for this to be the first card I blog about, feels like a nod of approval from her spirit. I miss her and I'd like to fully credit her for this journey I'm embarking on. Since I am the one shuffling and handling the daily Tarot cards (I will be disregarding repeats), it won't surprise me if a majority of these cards will relate to my life and what situations I'm currently facing. I truly believe this card was a sign from my mother that, although I have been struggling with stress from school, grief from her death, and pressures from the family, she is watching over me and that with prayer and a stronger faith and relationship with God, I can overcome it all. I believe good things will happen after all the uncertainties I have faced.
My food for thought for my blog readers: grab your mother, grandmother, or that maternal figure in your life, hug them, and let them exactly how much you love them. If they have passed on like my mother has, pray for their soul and remember that they might just be guiding you throughout your adversities. Always have time to meditate and/or pray to clear yourself of negative energy so that you may have the strength and clarity to face the hardships of life. Good times will come, you have to believe that.
I first became curious about Tarot reading when I saw a small box set (nowhere near the size of the standard Tarot cards) at a Border's bookstore. My mother encouraged me to try it out and I bought myself my first deck at age 13. Back then, I wasn't aware of the warning that you should never buy a deck for yourself but the deck should be given to you as a gift. Nothing bad happened but my readings back then were such a blur that I don't remember how accurate they actually were. The deck itself was pretty cute though. The illustrations were cartoonish. I remember that the Death card was a skull on top of an hourglass with a few butterflies floating around it. Anyways, I'm not exactly sure where that deck is but I think I may have left it with a friend and I moved away for college shortly afterwards and never got it back (another Tarot violation is to never let anyone use your cards...oops!)
So I was deck-less for a few months until Christmas (I think?) where one of my best friends bought me a "Simply Tarot: Book & Gift Set" from Barnes & Nobles. For the first time, I had a deck that was the standard size and it just felt more legit, for some reason. I'm heavily reliant on the book but that's the purpose of this blog. I want to study the cards so I am no longer flipping through pages of what it means.
I've done many readings for friends and I don't know whether I'm imagining it or not but, after awhile, I feel drained of a significant amount of energy. My rules are the client I'm reading for must shuffle the cards anyway they like and for as long as they feel they need to. Their thoughts may be focused on one question or thought or completely clear to let the cards tell them what they need to be told. If what they were thinking did not show up in the reading, I believe that the cards are directing their attention toward something more urgent or important. I have done daily readings, yearly readings, and readings specifically about relationship matters (I tried out specific spreads I found online). I feel like about 80% of my readings are accurate and I have done a yearly reading on a friend where just about everything came true except that he didn't win the lottery. I hope that, through this journey of studying the cards I have had for so long, I will acquire the skills to conduct even more accurate readings. Now, let me tackle the religion issue before I get blasted, yes, I believe in God. No, I'm not a Wiccan. No, I don't believe that what I'm doing is evil. I believe the messages the cards display are messages from God. Yes, Christian Tarot card readers exist and I am one of them. Actually, a number of the cards suggest the client become closer to God and to strengthen their spiritual life by praying/meditating though there is no specific religion stated in the cards it does suggest a Higher Being. I will not be entertaining any comments about religion because I know my faith and this is not a place to be judgmental. Let's all be respectful to other beliefs whether it be Christian, Wiccan, Agnostics, what have you. If you don't like my blog, then kindly leave. I do welcome any questions, suggestions, or additional information about the cards or spreads. With that said, welcome to my Tarot blog!